This guy got on the subway with three tiny, scrunchy pomeranians that looked like they'd just gotten out of the dryer. Okay, fine, but none of them were on leashes and it was Saturday afternoon. The pomeranians were not well behaved. They ran up and down the subway. Two of them went between this seated woman's legs, seemingly oblivious to her. If I were her, honest to God, I would've given one a foot nudge. Not a whole kick, but really. The owner, a 40 year old male who seemed totally normal in all other respects, also had a modern three wheel baby carriage. I was horrified to see it tip over. Of course he wasn't - it was full of four more pomeranians. A couple of riders actually thought this whole thing was cute. A woman asked if there's anywhere he can't bring them. He confessed in certain places the dogs get too squirmy. I was staring bloody, poison-tipped daggers at this man and his pests. When he got off after one stop, of course two of the dogs that had wandered 20 feet away were reluctant to come, so he held open the doors for about ten seconds while he called for them. "Mitzi! Sushi! C'mon Sushi, here Sushi!" Fuck, seriously. By the way, jCup informed me about the cancellation of jPod. I might just write an email to audience relations at CBC. Or call into Cross Country Hiccup and bend whatever they're discussing to make it about jPod. I'll say this, the fist few episodes could've been stronger, so it is sort of jPod's fault for missing the mark at the very beginning, which is obviously something you cannot afford to do in such a competitive game as TV, but the show was getting a lot stronger and really, it was becoming the best Canadian TV show on right now not to mention being a genuinely good show. [Run-on sentence, consider revising]