Today I went to the CHIN picnic. Not because I like the ex at this time of year per se, but because my job sent me down there to man a booth. There was some nice stuff that really redeemed my faith in humanity, there was a nice Sri Lankan couple who shook my hand and thanked me for the work we were doing. Then I was swarmed by throngs of adorable children. See, we had a button maker (and btw, y'all can all get buttons) and this one little Indian girl was so impressed she rounded up everyone she had ever met in her life and sent them to my booth. For about 20 solid minutes I was cutting paper, handing out crayons, making buttons and trying to give my shpiel to the parents: "See that cute kid in the picture there sir? Well if you don't give us money she will die. Yeah, you'd better walk away, you heartless motherfucker!" (paraphrasing). On the downside were 3 thugged-out (ha! they wish) obnoxious 13-year old boys. "Yo, how much they paying you?" "They don't pay for this, I volunteer." "Why?" "I like to volunteer." "Yo, all I like is tv and playstation" [laughter and high fives] Then they drew pictures of pot plants on their buttons because they thought they were so hardcore. Actually I retract my insult, there's something hillarious about Indian people acting like gangsters.
Other then the whole working-for-no-pay-on-the-weekends thing (I lied above about my liking to volunteer), my job's really good this year. More intellectual then last year, I have two projects going right now. And I love the titles of medical journals. Sure you get some stodgy ones like The New England Journal of Medicine and Journal of the American Medical Association. But then you also have cool ones like Chest and Sexual Abuse. And actually JAMA is a pretty good name for a journal.
Finally to all the apettes out there, there's a study at the hospital about vitamins. If you're an 18-21 year old girl who's not pregnant or on birth control then you could make some easy money. The number is 416-586-4800 x8119.
So it has beeen a while. So sue me. I got rejected by the Summer of Code, and have been working on school shit and work shit mostly.
As for Live 8, I'm kinda glad I'm not going because of
this. I mean, if you're going to invade Barrie for your cause the least you could do is let the local homeless shelters get in on the action. But noooo, Bob Geldof is an asshole, etc.
Might show up an Neil's place if I can a) remember where it is and b) find some pants to wear.