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03/28/2004 - 04/04/2004 |
Friday, May 26, 2006![]() Toothless in Killbear?![]() ![]() I am going to Killbear tomoro morning? That's crazy. My sister is driving me up, then she camps, I get set up and then on Monday I ship out to the NHE provincial conference. Here's the catch: the conferences are run with our meals made for us. So it'll be starve or work for the ol' jaws and teeth set. I dun know when'll be my first visit back, but it might be soonish because I will be heading up tomoro with only my bare necessities in order to fit my bike in the car. (Run-on sentence) (Sentence fragment) My birthday's June 9th so y'all can gimme a call then. I'll make sure y'all have the number before then. Everyone should organize a trip up to KB this year. I guess there ain't much more to say. I spit it through the wire. I got leuh f'y'all. Shit, I gotta send those steak vouchers out! Wednesday, May 24, 2006![]() I'm the Decider![]() ![]() I went and gave blood today. It wasn't as bad as the first two times. I didn't threaten to punch the nurse. Y'all should give blood too. Don't be a COWARD! My sister dragged me to the Ursula Franklin Academy which was raising funds for the Maquila Solidarity Network. All of the clothes were designed and made by the young women at UFA, including my sister. I wish I had gotten pictures to show y'all , DAMN do I ever, but alas. Some of the outfits were really nice and actually looked finished instead of just held together with safety pins. A couple outfits unfortunately made the girls look pregnant. Some of you will be interested to know that Natalie Logan participated. SPEAKING OF TEEN PREGNANCY!!! ummm sorry no terribly interesting news. Just making an observation. Do small towns have a high rate of teen pregnancy? From walking around Peterborough I notice young moms more than I do in Toronto. And from what Tom tells me, Coburg is the same, he knows several women who he went to school with and now have one or more children. I can only think of one occurance of pregnancy among anyone I went to school with. EDIT: Today (Thursday) I went to the funeral of my kind of surrogate grandmother, she was 84. She died rather peacefully of cancer which she was diagnosed with only 10 days before her death. I guess it's better that she didn't have to agonize over her fate for months or years. The service was excellent, some laughs. When my mind and eyes began to wander I saw that the stained glass window had a representation of what looked like the Sputnik, the first mad-made satallite in space. At first I though that was really strange, some one later explained to me that it represented Enlightenment. ![]() Toothless in Toronto![]() ![]() Rented We (HEART) Katamari. Should be fun once I stop icing my jaw. Also I can watch the Arrested Dev't S2 D1 when my sisther geths home. I am not so puffy of the face, but I still slop food when I eat. It's the front lower lip that's still wickt numb. Pre-emptive strikes have casualties, Just ask our neighbours to the South. ![]() "Every religion other than Islam is false"![]() ![]() Bloggingheads.tv has an interesting all-bin Laden diavlog up. Peter Bergen, the author of The Osama Bin Laden I Know, gives his thoughts on bin Laden based on interviews he (i.e. Bergen) and others did. I actually tracked downt the first interview with bin Laden I could find in the western press and it was by none others than Box's previously mentioned Robert Fisk who wrote (in december 1993) an article called: "ANTI-SOVIET WARRIOR PUTS HIS ARMY ON THE ROAD TO PEACE". So not so much for predictions, but points for trying! I also found an article from September 10, 2001 called "If Anyone Cares, It's Something About Terrorists" about some guy called Osama Bin Laden who might be doing something but as the last line of the article points out: "This kind of thing has happened before. American citizens tend to get blase." So that's your bin Laden hit for today (though it's the people from Perth who are really interested, apperently). Speaking of Saudis, they're at it again with their wacky tricks of promoting hatred through their school system. Still it would be pretty sweet to get questions like this in school: "Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words (Islam, hellfire): Every religion other than ______________ is false. Whoever dies outside of Islam enters ____________." I mean come on. Thing pratically answers itself. Tuesday, May 23, 2006![]() Goin'... Tape?![]() ![]() Apologies for chumping out on the Saturday thing. Honestly I was still hungover from Friday. And my friend managed to get himself arrested on the walk home that night. It would've been as simple as a night in the drunk tank if they hadn't TACKLED HIM from behind, making him think he was being mugged. He bit the fuck out of the officer's arm, the only thing he could see besides pavement, and so got booked for assaulting an officer and resisting arrest (but nothing else, surprisingly). Apparently the cops were cracking werewolf jokes while questioning him. So I have been making pretty pictures with Matlab all day but that's boring. So let's talk about John McCain, and how he got booed at a New York commencement address. Personally, as far as Republicans go, I like McCain. I'll certainly take him over Jeb Bush or another Texan aristocrat any day of the week. But all this pandering is getting on my nerves. I'm bored. Maybe I should go get drunk. |
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