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03/28/2004 - 04/04/2004 |
Friday, November 05, 2004![]() Goin' Ape: It's not kinky, it's gross!![]() ![]() Today, however, was free. Me an' Sam hit up the Drake for Found Magazine's book tour. Found Magazine is this wonderful little publication that reprints scraps of paper that people find lying around. Mostly humourous, sometimes touching, always interesting. Also, the founder of the magazine's brother played some songs inspired by these scraps, with such memorable titles as "Damn, The Booty Don't Stop". A good time for all. ![]() I forsee a huge migration of liberals to colder climes.![]() ![]() After the results of the election I had a dream where I was cruising through Texas in a van, murdering Christian evangelists as I went and burning entire towns to the ground, becoming a nameless scourge that struck fear into the hearts of inbred hicks everywhere. Desperately trying to reduce the number of conservative voters. Impractical as it was, I enjoyed it immensely. I didn't expect Kerry to win, but it was still a huge blow to me when he lost. On the bright side, if I ever DO want to go on a rampage, I'll know which states to hit, and which counties. Now that I think of it, it seems almost inevitable that Kerry would lose. The entire campaign became a bog of trivial issues. Stem-cell research and abortion laws and gay marriage are important, but there was more urgent stuff to focus on, here. I'm not sure exactly how many thousands of people have died since the Bush family began warring against Iraq, nobody bothers to count non-americans, but the number is staggeringly large, so I am always filled with rage whenever I read in the paper that Americans believe they chose the best president to tackle the "moral issues" of America. I could write a goddamn BOOK detailing the "moral issues" of America, and none of their concerns would even be near the top of the list. It has been made clear that the majority of Americans are obsessed with returning to what they consider to be the Golden America. I am of course speaking of the fifties, quite possibly the shittiest decade of the twentieth century (bar the world wars). The only good things that came out of the fifties are those things that OPPOSE the values of the fifties. I don't feel real hatred often, but I'm feeling it now, vast amounts of it. On a lighter note, this post proves that I am still alive, in case Leo's post failed to dispel any doubts. I am applying to get Saturdays off of work from now on. I may actually see sunlight next month. I have a PS2 now, so Guilty Gear has featured largely in my free time. I'll post again soon, but right now I'm tired. Bye all. ![]() In Other News![]() ![]() Nothing like a healthy serving of political outrage to kick this blog up a notch. Bam. Anyways, I come with other news. Beastie Boys . ACC . Monday Nov, 8 - Tix $36.50 - $56.00 I'm pretty ambivalent about this. I don't think I'll go unless I have a change of heart. $36.50 to sit up in the stands feels wrong. Nas . Kool Haus . Sat Dec. 11 - Tix $39.50 Now, it's still too expensive, but damn it, it's a club show at least and Nas is my favourite at the moment, so I think I'll go to this one. Details? ![]() Leftist conspiracy theories.![]() ![]() Voting machines that were banned in California because they had malfunctioned during the primaries? Voting machines made by Diebold, whose CEO said a year ago that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president"? Hmm. And then there's this little thing. I rest my case. ![]() CANADA GAINS 20 NEW PROVINCES, MAYOR APPLAUDS, president appalled![]() ![]() Oh yeah CTV ran a story on the evening news about disgrunted, middle class Democrats who are looking into immigrating to Canada. Immigration Canada reported that it's website got 500% more hits from America than it usually gets. ![]() Just Gotta Say![]() ![]() Just so you know the score. Thursday, November 04, 2004![]() J'accuse, Iowa![]() ![]() John Kerry was a terrible candidate. If the Republicans could've invented a democratic challanger it's hard to see how they could've made one better for them. I mean he's a Massachutats flip-flopping french-speaking liberal married to a foreign billionaire. The commercials practically write themselves. And he compounded that by the terrible campaign he ran. The Swift Boat thing completely blindsided him and he let the election be about John Kerry. If he could've made the election about George Bush he would've won. Pretty much any of the serious candidates for the Dem nomination could've won, Dean certainly could've. But Iowa picked him and because of the way the Democratic primary callender had been jiggered with, set him off to be nominee. Then they went for Bush. Thanks a lot, Iowa And the people he picked to run it! Bob Shrum. A man who out of 7 previous Presidential races had lost all of them (0 for 8 now). I mean when there's even a term for him loosing–"The Shrum Curse"–maybe he shouldn't run your campaign. He got some Clinton people at the end, but it was too little too late. And also gay marriage was a killer. The Massachutats supreme court couldn't have waited till after the election? 11 anti-gay initatives and they all pass. More importanly, it went something like 67-33 in Ohio. Ohio was a squeaker, I'm sure that the gay marriage thing made the difference. Oh and Michael Moore told me (via Leo) that a bunch of youth voters were gonna show up and we just didn't see it cause they only had cellphones. Well they didn't, same % of the electorate as last time. And here's a new map of North America: ![]() PS- Good news about the scanner. Sam, can I use some of your comics in my newspaper as well. ![]() Goin' Ape![]() ![]() You stupid, good-for-nothing, hick fucks, sitting there in your stretchy trousers, wrapped in your stars and stripes, clutching at each others’ fat hands and singing God Bless America while your blessed commander-in-fucking-chief sells the world for a quick buck. You whooping twits, sucking up the lies like mother’s milk. You stupid stupid fucks. You deserve to die. Choke on your fat-burgers you cretinous losers. Fuck you all. Sorry - fuck y’all. Do you understand that? You cow-brained pricks. This is, in all honesty, the best editorial reply I have ever read. It's only an excerpt, (here's the rest ![]() Would you be on the next bus to Buffalo?![]() ![]() After the election we hoped Kerry would stall long enough to issue a fatwa against Bush and a call to arms of liberals world wide. Civil War II anyone? Those monks should totally be in the next Indiana Jones movie, starring 62 year old Harrison Ford. You can learn some great things from IMDB: Harrion Ford bio and some things you'd rather not know ![]() Fucktacular.![]() ![]() I feel really bad for Paul Martin. He has got to be in the hardest position a PM has been in in a long time, between a big rock and 30 million hard places. And to make matters worse, Subway has gotten wise to my ultimate scam. No longer do they accept my wonderful little coupons. I feel sad, and hungry for subs. But new shoes make me feel better, somewhat. I learned about this creeptastic order of monks in class the other day, and I just gotta share it up here. The Cappuccin order was founded some time in the 16th century in Rome. You may recognize them for sharing their name with Cappuccinos, which are called so because their foamy peaks are not unlike the peak in the Cappuccin monks' hoods. Unlike some of the other orders that rose at the time, they were very unworldly, and didn't interfere with events outside of their monastaries. And when they died, they built cathedrals out of their bones. Which is pretty cool. To say the least. Wednesday, November 03, 2004![]() Feuck![]() ![]() The American people have a lot of blood on their hands now. They weren't responsible for the actions of the unelected, first round, 'loose cannon' Bush, but by re-electing him they have retroactively condoned everything that's happened in the last three years, plus given W free reign for the next four. Maybe if the Democrats had run Clinton against Bush, things would be a little better. Vote Clinton for SEX! And now, something to take your minds off of the hardships to come. My comic. P.S. Jacob - my sister promised she'd give me my scanner back soon, so if you're serious, I'd be happy to email you some comics as soon as I can. ![]() Four More Wars!![]() ![]() So it looks as if we're boned. Bush has won. Four more years of embarassment and Pax Americana. Then again, why change horsemen mid-apocalypse? |
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