"If you want justice then throw a brick through the bastard's window"
Law school is kinda like high school. I have 8 courses... all of which are in one building. Plus lockers. So far there's only really been drinking (which was not, for me, much like high school). But there are some assignments and (technically) about 350 pages of reading. Most professors have brought up Donaghue v. Stevenson which is cited quite a bit for a case about a snail in a bottle of ginger beer. So far everyone is awesome, we'll see if that lasts. Not awesome for a dude named Collins (in a case I'm doing for my first assignment) is the fact that his lawyer left out 5 words in a contact which lost him about the equivalent of a million dollars nowadays. Ouch.
I wrote up a report on my PAX trip but I'm not going to type it up cause I have swollen tendons from the summer.