So my day has been filled with a series of minor inconviences that have been surprisingly irritating.
So my alarm wakes me up early in the morning. It is not saying "9" like it is supposed to, but "7". These numbers are very different. I suppose if I meant it to say "7" and it said "9" that would be worse.
I see the bus stop and start to load people so I start sprinting towards it. Keep in mind I am in front of the bus. The bus driver can definitely see me as I run towards him. I am literally a few feet away when the last person boards and the bus driver snaps the doors shut and zooms off. When I said that the London bus drivers were nicer I didn't mean that particular one. Asshole.
So I get to school with my pasta-with-lentils lunch (most of things I'm eating these days ends with "with-lentils" actually. Tonight is barley stew with lentils. Tomorrow will be chickpeas with lentils. The day after that will be TVP stew with lentil. The day after that will probably be leftovers of aforementioned lentil-attached foods. But that's a side note). The good thing is that our law school has two microwaves. The bad thing is that they're both in one room– and they decided to do grad photos today in that room. Now one would think there'd be space for photos and microwaving, but for some reason the entire room is locked down. I eat the cold pasta.
And my watch is gone. I'm looking all over my apartment and I can't find it.
While not technically something that happened today, I find laundry somewhat annoying as well. I'm not really acustomed to paying for laundry (while in Kingston I lugged my laundry across town to do it at my grandfather's and I dislike the hassle of gathering up loonies and quarters. Also, people leave their wet clothes in the washer and I'm not sure of the ettiquette involved. Can I just take them out? Plus, no one cleans the lint trap. Still I can't complain, I left my soap down there for a week and no one stole* it. Alos there's this sign, which cheers me up:
Oh and then there's the whole Golden Compass because of the movie that's coming out. The publicly-funded Halton Catholic School Board has pulled the book from their shelves. William "Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews" Donohue of the Catholic League is trying to boycott it. They claim the books are anti-Christian and anti-Catholic. Here's the thing though, they're right. I mean the books are about killing God. The BBC article on this says: "In the book - set in an imaginary world - the heroine Lyra fights against the Magisterium, an evil organisation some have interpreted as based on the Catholic Church."
While it is technically true that "some have interpreted" the Magisterium as based on the Catholic Church that's because it is! It's not our Catholic Church because John Calvin became Pope and the Papacy ended up being usurped by a snarl of different bureaucracies but it's the Catholic Church. Also, the books don't take place in "an imaginary world" the take place in multiple imaginary worlds (i.e. universes) and our own world. That's not just nitpicky, aside from showing that the reporter did not read the books the sentence seems to be constructed to make it seem like it's another Harry Potter type scenario where people are misinterpreting a fantastic setting.
Most likely my irritability is just stress over exams manifesting itself in other ways (just as this post is procrastinating to avoid working on my constitutional summary). Such is life.
* "Stole" is probably too harsh here because it implies a criminal act and they very well could argue colour of rights. Let's go with "converted."