You saw it here first, folks. I just spent 25 minutes digging out from under a bank of snow at the cafe. It's pretty rough out there. Too bad it's READING WEEK god dammit.
If it were one week hence, it'd be really good for me: I have, next wednesday, both an interview for OCAD and a huge, hour-and-a-half long presentation at York. To have the latter wiped clean for a week would be such a lovely treat.
As it is, I might need to cancel improv tonight, except that really fucks up our permits and stuff. We'll see. I don't really want to go all the fucking way up there, least of all in the goddamn snow. And anyway, it's been a long two days of play, with exceedingly weak teams. I won't name names, just in case, but it's been pretty pitiful.
By the way-- the ol' alma mater seems to have done really well this year. I've heard they're very promising, and that they're doing the old Dr. Seuss game. Maybe we'd like to go?